This is awful. I'm sorry but when you see how the women are being treated in the Middle East, our "war on terror" is more than justified. The men treat their women like property. They keep them covered not because they love them and want to protect them but because it means they have the power and the control. Forcing a woman to live under such harsh conditions (flogged 200 times for having an "affair,") being raped and then accused of having an affair, being sold to your husband at the age of 1 and consummating the marriage by age 9, being told not to speak in public, and wearing a full head veil at ALL times are all ways of keeping the women down. When you treat someone like property and less than second class their whole lives they themselves will believe it and accept their lives as it is. That is exactly what the Muslim men want. They want the power and control. Now we have American Muslims fighting to have Shria Law here in the US so that their wives cannot divorce them. It is awful

This image provided by Time magazine shows the cover of the Aug. 9, 2010 issue, with a photo of Aisha, an 18-year-old Afghan woman. Aisha's nose and ears were cut off in 2009, under orders from a local Taliban commander acting as a judge, as punishment for fleeing her husband's home.
This is not a battle between the United States of
America and terrorism, but between the free and democratic world and
Tony Blair
-Melissa Malm